Handwriting. Oh man have many of my students struggled with it over the years!
After implementing Handwriting Without Tears in the kindergarten classrooms, my district was hopeful that handwriting skills would begin to improve. And they have as far as student habits in formation is concerned. What I’ve realized, though, is that students can be given impeccable instruction in handwriting do’s and don’ts, but until some students practice and improve their fine-motor skills, handwriting may not change much. I do realize that there are those other students whose handwriting troubles come from struggles much more in depth than some fun fine-motor practice can fix.
Obviously there are students who don’t struggle with fine-motor skills, but since a large chunk of my first graders do, I’ve decided to transform the morning tubs in my classroom to cater toward practicing small and precise finger movements. A little practice never hurt anyone!
Currently, the morning tubs I have allow students to play and interract with each other. They have options such as Uno, blocks, Chutes and Ladders, puzzles, Memory Match, craft supplies, etc.
While I still want the new and improved tubs to encourage social interaction and play, they’ll also include some sort of practice in fine-motor skills (if they don’t already.)
I have so many ideas for fine-motor tubs that my mind is just spinning! Going to Pinterest to do more research and find more inspiration has me overrun with thoughts!
So for the next few weeks, I’ll be creating these tubs and sharing what I’ve done with you all along the way! Hopefully creating in sets to share with you helps keep us both under control rather than overwhelmed with this new classroom addition.
Stay tuned for “FINE-MOTOR FRIDAY,” when a new post will be filled with the fun and games I come up with for these fine-motor tubs. Maybe you’ll want to make some for your own classroom or homes!
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